
“I never paid attention to the condition of the skin on my face.  When I was younger, I never knew what pimples and problem skin were.

I guess I was lucky to have healthy skin, and I took for granted. I was simply lazy and forgetful to spend few minutes per day on my skin. I never thought that creams could work, and thought that I look great without wasting time and effort on expensive skin treatments. Until I discovered BeautySOS products, I had very little understanding why women spend so much money and time on facial creams.

I used sunscreen on my face only when I went skiing, and used nightcream only once in a blue moon. And sometimes I used Korean snail cream I got as a present from my friend.....

I really cannot explain what is about the BeautySOS products that makes me use them twice daily. Perhaps, it’s their simplicity (only 2 steps, not 10)!  Or how my face felt after cleansing.  After one month, other people started seeing a difference.  I started seeing  the difference. Skin shines, it is much softer, full of life and radiance (I started drinking more water too :). 

Further, I now got serious about keeping my skin in this condition! I will continue using BeautySOS products to keep my face skin glow.”


